When saying loose, your vocal cords are not use when pronouncing the s. It sounds like /loos/.
When saying lose, your vocal cords are used when pronouncing the s, only it sounds like z. It sounds like /looz/.
1. Loose is the opposite of tight.
Example: My pants are never loose these days. They are often tight. I blame the pants.
2. Loose can mean free.
Example: There is a tiger on the loose in my neighbourhood.
3. Loose can mean “vague” or “not strict”.
Example: Some people speed when driving through a yellow light. That’s a loose interpretation of the rules because I think you’re supposed to slow down and stop.
Lose has a few different meanings:
1. Lose is the opposite of win.
Example: I play to win, but sometimes I lose.
2. Lose can mean “misplace”.
Example: I hate when I lose my keys to the house.
3. Lose can mean “stop having”.
Example: When sick, I often lose my appetite.
Are there any other meanings you can think of?