When someone doesn’t realize they are spreading false and inaccurate information, it is called misinformation.
When someone knowingly spreads false and inaccurate information with the intention to deceive, it is called disinformation.
Inaccurate captions, dates, statistics, or when satire is taken seriously are instances of false information.
The difference is really on the intent of the person spreading the info. Did they do it by accident - not knowing that the info is wrong? If so, then we call this misinformation. If the publication of such information was deliberate, with some kind of end game of causing harm, influencing public opinion, or obscuring the truth, then we call this disinformation.
What troubles us now isn’t just the plague of “fake news”, but the organized campaigns spreading the false info.
So what is one to do?
Keep reading and looking for reliable sources of info. Don't be afraid to question.
The truth is out there.