Truth be told.
The reason why I’m writing about this is because I messed up this expression. I said ‘One in the same’, which was understood, but is not the standard phrase and is widely viewed as a mistake.
Alas, no one is perfect.
‘One and the same’ is a fun expression in that it has some redundancy (‘one’ and ‘the same’ being synonyms). I choose to think of this as a fun expression because it allows you to add emphasis to whatever you are suggesting is the same, either people or things.
Some examples of when to use this expression:
- Innovation and science are often one and the same.
- The Social Media team lead and the person who leads on social media performance metrics are one and the same - it’s me!
- A toque and a winter hat are one and the same.
- I was surprised to learn that Carrie Fisher’s daughter and the actress who played Lieutenant Connix in Star Wars are the one and the same, Billie Lourd!
Share your fun examples.